Mac Download Dashboard

Dashboard & Widgets. Widgets are small mini-applications designed to perform tasks that we otherwise perform by visiting web pages. For instance, instead of opening Safari and going to a weather website, you can access the weather-widget with a single click of your mouse. Widgets are not viewed the same way as regular applications. Mac widgets include contacts (which you can sync with iOS contacts), to calculators, flight trackers to stock market information, the weather app, games, and a wide range of extra tools you can add when you tap the + icon in the lower left of the Apple dashboard. Seagate Dashboard for Mac OS. This software allows the user to run diagnostics and adjust drive settings, like turning off drive lights.

With access to Apex Fusion being very easy, new users or old users, may not know how or forget how to access their classic web interface.

Mac Dashboard Download

Mac Download Dashboard

What is the Classic Dashboard?

It is a version of your Neptune Systems Control Dashboard that is only available locally within your home network. It's accessible only through your APEX's IP Address using any computer or tablet's web browser as long as your Apex is currently connected to your home network.

Mac Download Dashboard

There are two ways to access your APEX Classic Dashboard

Method #1: Using your Apex Display to get the IP Address

To find your Apex IP address you use the display module.

  1. Press the center button on your display module to access the Main Menu
  2. Go to Main Menu> System> Net Setup> IP Address
  3. There is your IP Address
  4. Now you know the IP Address to access your Classic Dashboard anytime.

5. Open your web browser. Let's pretend your Apex IP address is Type the IP address in the address bar at the top.

6)One last step before you're in the Apex Classic Dashboard. The web page will ask you for a username and password. (The default is 'admin' and '1234')

Forgot your password?

Use your display module and go to:

Main Menu> System> Net Setup> Admin Login/Admin password for these


Method #2: Using the Mac Apex App to get the IP Address

Alternatively, you can use the Mac Apex app to access it as well. Since this guide is for Mac, start by downloading a version of our firmware update that is available online:

1) Click here then download the Mac version of the firmware update.

2) After downloading Apex firmware, run the program by double clicking it.

3) The Mac Apex app will open. Click on 'Search for Controllers'

Dashboard Widgets Mac

4) If your Apex is properly connected to the home network you'll see it appear on the list under 'Name'

5) Place a check mark next to Apex listed and press OK.
6) You'll see it as Name, Host, Port. The Host is the IP address
7) Now click the Browse button at the top left to open it in your web browser.

8) One last step before you're in the Apex Classic Dashboard. The web page will ask you for a username and password. (The default is 'admin' and '1234')

Forgot your password?

Mac Download Dashboard Download

Use your display module and go to:
Main Menu> System> Net Setup> Admin Login/Admin password for these

Quit Dashboard Mac