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  3. 1,350 downloads Updated: April 11, 2014 Freeware. Description Free Download 100% CLEAN report malware. DOWNLOAD Erlang 17.0.
  4. Download Mac Package from: /downloads/latest/macosx. Configure log level in etc/emq.conf. Could use apt-get on Ubuntu, yum on CentOS/RedHat and brew on Mac to install Erlang and Git. When all dependencies are ready, clone the emqttd project from and build.

On amqpclient; Clients for Other Languages. The RabbitMQ community has created a large number of clients and developer tools covering a variety of platforms and languages. Community Plugins. For your convenience, we offer binary downloads of various plugins developed by the community. Description of available plugins.


This guide describes how RabbitMQ can be installed and configured manually on Windows. In generalwe recommend using one the more automation-friendly options for Windows when possible.

Install Erlang/OTP

RabbitMQ requires a 64-bit supported version of Erlang for Windows to be installed.Latest binary builds for Windows can be obtained from the Erlang/OTP Version Tree page.

Erlang will appear in the Start Menu,and erl{version}binerl.exe will be in C:Program Files for 64-bit Erlang installations

Important: your system should only have one version of Erlang installed.Please consult the Windows-specific Issues page.

Make Sure ERLANG_HOME is Set

In case there's an existing RabbitMQ installation with the broker running as a service andyou installed an Erlang VM with a different architecture then the service must be uninstalledbefore updating ERLANG_HOME.

Set ERLANG_HOME to where you actually put your Erlang installation, e.g.C:Program Fileserl{version} (full path).The RabbitMQ batch files expect to execute %ERLANG_HOME%binerl.exe.

Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables.Create the system environment variable ERLANG_HOMEand set it to the full path of the directory which contains binerl.exe.

Install RabbitMQ Server

After making sure a supported Erlang version is installed, download

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Installer for Windows systems (from GitHub) rabbitmq-server-windows-3.9.7.zipSignature

From the zip file, extract the folder namedrabbitmq_server-3.9.7into C:Program FilesRabbitMQ(or somewhere suitable for application files).

Synchronise the Erlang Cookie

The Erlang cookie is a shared secret used for authentication between RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools.The value is stored in a file commonly referred to as the Erlang cookie file.

The cookie file used by the service account and the userrunning rabbitmqctl.bat must be synchronised forCLI tools such as rabbitmqctl.bat to function. All nodes in a cluster must have the samecookie value (cookie file contents).

Please see How CLI Tools Authenticate to Nodes (and Nodes to Each Other): the Erlang Cookie for details.

Locating CLI Tools and App Data

CLI tools

Within the rabbitmq_server-3.9.7sbindirectory are some scripts which run commands to control the RabbitMQ server.

The RabbitMQ server can be run as either an application or service (not both).

  • rabbitmq-server.bat starts the broker as an application
  • rabbitmq-service.bat manages the service and starts the broker
  • rabbitmqctl.bat manages a running broker

Log in as an administrator. To see the output, run these from aCommand Promptin the sbin directory.

Note: On Windows Vista (and later) it is necessary toelevate privilege(e.g. right-click on the icon to select Run as Administrator).

Set up the system path so RabbitMQ server and CLI tools from the sbin directorycan be executed without using fully qualified paths.

  • Create a system environment variable (e.g. RABBITMQ_SERVER) for 'C:Program FilesRabbitMQrabbitmq_server-3.9.7'. Adjust this if you put rabbitmq_server-3.9.7 elsewhere, or if you upgrade versions.
  • Append the literal string ';%RABBITMQ_SERVER%sbin' to your system path (aka %PATH%).

Now it should be possible to run rabbitmq commands from any (administrator) Command Prompt.

Navigate to rabbitmq_server-3.9.7sbinto run commands if the system path does not contain the RabbitMQ sbindirectory.

Node Data Directory

By default, the RabbitMQ logs and node's data directoryare stored in the current user's Application Data directorye.g. C:Documents and Settings%USERNAME%Application Data orC:Users%USERNAME%AppDataRoaming.

Execute echo %APPDATA% at a Command Promptto find this directory. Alternatively, Start > Run %APPDATA% will open this folder.

A node can be configured to use a different data directoryusing one of these environment variables: RABBITMQ_BASE, RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE orRABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR. Please read the relocation guide for a descriptionof how each of these variables works.

Running RabbitMQ Server as an Application

The application is started by the rabbitmq-server.batscript in sbin.

Customise RabbitMQ Environment Variables

The service will run fine using its default settings. It is possible to customise the RabbitMQ environmentor edit configuration.

Important: after setting environment variables, it is necessary to restart the node.

Start the Broker as an Application

Run the command

This will start a node in the background (not attached to the Command Prompt).

Alternatively, rabbitmq-server.bat can be executed in Windows Explorerto start a node in foreground.

When a node is started, a Command Prompt window opens,displays a short startup banner, indicating that the RabbitMQbroker has been started successfully.

If the node was started without the -detached option,e.g. using Windows Explorer, a second Command Promptwindow will be necessary to control the application using CLI tools.

Important: closing the original Command Prompt windowwill forcefully shut down a server started this way.

Running RabbitMQ Server as a Service

The service will run in the security context of the system accountwithout the need for a user to be logged in on a console.This is normally more appropriate for production use.The server should not be run as aservice and application simultaneously.

The service runs using the rabbitmq-service.bat script in sbin.

Customise RabbitMQ Environment Variables

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The service will run fine using its default settings. It is possible to customise the RabbitMQ environmentor edit configuration.

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Important: after setting environment variables, it is necessary to reinstall the service.

Install the Service

Install the service by running

A service with the name defined by RABBITMQ_SERVICENAMEshould now appear in the Windows Services control panel(Start > Run services.msc).

Managing the Service

To manage the service (install, remove, start, stop,enable, disable), userabbitmq-service.batcommands. Alternatively, the Windows Services panel(services.msc) can be used to perform some of thesame functions as the service script.

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Start the Broker as a Service

To start the broker, execute

If the output from this command is'Service RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME started', then the service was startedsuccessfully.

Confirm the service named RABBITMQ_SERVICENAMEreports a 'Started' status in Services:
Start > Run services.msc.

Upgrading Erlang VM

If you have an existing installation and are planning to upgradethe Erlang VM from a 32bit to a 64bit version then you must uninstallthe broker before upgrading the VM. The installer will not be able to stopor remove a service that was installed with an Erlang VM of a differentarchitecture.

Managing a RabbitMQ Node

Managing the Service

Links to RabbitMQ directories can be found in the Start Menu.

There is also a link to a command prompt window thatwill start in the sbin dir, in the Start Menu. This isthe most convenient way to run the command line tools.Note that CLI tools will have to authenticate to the RabbitMQ node running locally. That involves a shared secret filewhich has to be placed into the correct location for the user.

Stopping a Node

To stop the broker or check its status, userabbitmqctl.bat in sbin (as an administrator).

Checking Node Status

The following command performs the most basic node health check and displays some information aboutthe node if it is running:

See RabbitMQ CLI tools guide and the Monitoring and Health Checks guide for details.

Log Files and Management

Server logs are critically important in troubleshooting and root cause analysis.See Logging and File and Directory Location guidesto learn about log file location, log rotation and more.

Troubleshooting When Running as a Service

In the event that the Erlang VM crashes whilst RabbitMQ is runningas a service, rather than writing the crash dump to the currentdirectory (which doesn't make sense for a service) it is writtento an erl_crash.dump file in the base directory ofthe RabbitMQ server (set by the RABBITMQ_BASE environmentvariable, defaultingto %APPDATA%%RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME% -typically %APPDATA%RabbitMQ otherwise).

Default User Access

The broker creates a user guest with passwordguest. Unconfigured clients will in general use thesecredentials. By default, these credentials can only beused when connecting to the broker as localhost so youwill need to take action before connecting from any othermachine.

See the documentation on access control for information on how to create more users and deletethe guest user.

Port Access

RabbitMQ nodes bind to ports (open server TCP sockets) in order to accept client and CLI tool connections.Other processes and tools such as anti-virus software may prevent RabbitMQ from binding to a port. When that happens,the node will fail to start.

CLI tools, client libraries and RabbitMQ nodes also open connections (client TCP sockets).Firewalls can prevent nodes and CLI tools from communicating with each other.Make sure the following ports are accessible:

  • 4369: epmd, a peer discovery service used by RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools
  • 5672, 5671: used by AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 clients without and with TLS
  • 25672: used for inter-node and CLI tools communication (Erlang distribution server port) and is allocated from a dynamic range (limited to a single port by default, computed as AMQP port + 20000). Unless external connections on these ports are really necessary (e.g. the cluster uses federation or CLI tools are used on machines outside the subnet), these ports should not be publicly exposed. See networking guide for details.
  • 35672-35682: used by CLI tools (Erlang distribution client ports) for communication with nodes and is allocated from a dynamic range (computed as server distribution port + 10000 through server distribution port + 10010). See networking guide for details.
  • 15672: HTTP API clients, management UI and rabbitmqadmin (only if the management plugin is enabled)
  • 61613, 61614: STOMP clients without and with TLS (only if the STOMP plugin is enabled)
  • 1883, 8883: MQTT clients without and with TLS, if the MQTT plugin is enabled
  • 15674: STOMP-over-WebSockets clients (only if the Web STOMP plugin is enabled)
  • 15675: MQTT-over-WebSockets clients (only if the Web MQTT plugin is enabled)

It is possible to configure RabbitMQto use different ports and specific network interfaces.

Windows-specific Issues

We aim to make RabbitMQ a first-class citizen on Windows. However, sometimes there are circumstances beyond ourcontrol. Please consult the Windows-specific Issues page.

Getting Help and Providing Feedback

If you have questions about the contents of this guide or any other topic related to RabbitMQ, don't hesitate to ask them on the RabbitMQ mailing list.

Help Us Improve the Docs <3

If you'd like to contribute an improvement to the site, its source is available on GitHub. Simply fork the repository and submit a pull request. Thank you!


Download Erlang 23

The Lumen Project is an ambitious compiler development effort to create a complimentary set of compilers and tools that allow developers to get the power of the Erlang VM, The BEAM, in places it does not traditionally fit. Such as the browser. Currently the project is at an early released stage as covered in this talk. It does not yet implement all of Erlang OTP and as such won’t handle most Erlang/Elixir you could throw at it. I want to show something that it does do. And while the project is a complicated compiler project you do not need to know that stuff to try it out. This should be achievable for most developers and to ensure that I wasn’t talking out of my rear I had my assistant developer, Elin Olsson, follow the instructions without my input and it worked out well.

So while the big goal is the WebAssembly (WASM) target the compiler is built on top of LLVM and could also be great for making static binaries for x86 and friends. There are still some missing facilities in WASM for handling the kind of light-weight processes and scheduling we enjoy in Erlang land. The team is working with the WASM crowd to make those things happen. While waiting we get an x86 target to play with.

So, to get started we follow the instructions at the Lumen repo. This post will get outdated. The project README is more likely to stay up to date. We’ll cover the steps here anyway.

The basic requirements are the following:

  • CMake
  • Ninja (recommended)
  • CCache (recommended)

Installing these on MacOS is done like so (assuming homebrew is installed):

Now, let’s get the Lumen repo from Github and cd into it.

First, we need a modified version of LLVM. Thankfully a precompiled version is provided for Linux and x86 Mac. Below we provide the instructions for MacOS, for Linux, use the previous link.The instructions reference $XDG_DATA_HOME as an environment variable, it is recommended to export XDG variables in general, but if you have not, just replace the usages of $XDG_DATA_HOME below with $HOME/.local/share, which is the usual default for this XDG variable.

Lumen and related tooling such as Eir is built with Rust. So you need rustup which is a Rust installer. Lumen builds off of the Rust nightly due to some features, such as WebAssembly, requiring nightly features. Then we use the Rust package manager cargo to install some additional requirements.

Then we need to build our compiler. Replace $XDG_DATA_HOME with $HOME/.local/share as above if needed.

At this stage we encountered a problem. The build failed with a rustup error. This was solved by hard coding the toolchain version in Makefile.toml, line 76.

With this fix the build passed, and we have a compiler. Let’s make sure it runs at all by calling its help (from project root).

Let’s create some of our own code, to start we just set up separate directory:

To actually try things out we need to write some code. The process for Elixir code is less convenient at the moment so we’ll go with an erlang example. This is our hello world in Erlang:

So now we can compile that:

That generates a binary for us called hello.out. Amarra luxe 4.3.510. We can run it. Usually you have to set the executable bit the first time:

To make things a bit more interesting we can make it do multiple things. Lets spawn a couple of processes that will output things as well as output from the initial process.

A single static binary running from Erlang code, compiled via Rust. Bakeware achieves something similar, as do certain options in Distillery I believe, but that ships the entire Erlang runtime and has a decompression step on the first run due to this. With Lumen the runtime is compiled in. At later points, due to removing hot code updates, there will be optimizations such as dead code elimination and simply not shipping the entirety of Erlang and OTP with each binary. I think that’s quite a compelling concept. update: this is actually already a thing for NIFs, they aren’t linked in if they aren’t used, I really should run these things by the Lumen team :)

The tradeoffs with the BEAM being a VM are generally size and startup time. And it gives us immense flexibility with absurd capabilities like hot code updates. The downside is only for some very particular use-cases where size and startup time matter more. The web is one of these but far from the only one. I would expect Lumen binaries, even when the project has matured a bit, to still be larger than something like Rust and Go binaries but I honestly don’t know. I would also expect them to start a lot faster than your average BEAM-based release. So I’m keen on using Lumen for two things in the future. Elixir-based CLI and web frontend code. With WASM the world does open up quite wide with WASM poised to being a general target for anything that needs to be sandboxable and fast. It is being considered as a container replacement, edge compute, serverless functions, embedded, so many things.

So that’s a preview of the Lumen compiler. I tried to do some timer:sleep/1 stuff but found out that wasn’t implemented yet. If you are curious to see what you do have I think this gave a decent view if you know your Erlang module names. So going into the timer folder there I can see what functions do exist and there isn’t presently a

So this example outputs x86 binaries. The next step is WASM and while I’ve been out of the loop for a bit a bird just told me that there’s a big PR rolling in that should get us to WASM output or thereabouts. If you are keen on helping Lumen move forward, check the issues on the lumen repo and you can help implement more of Erlang/OTP. Maybe get me that sleep function? You can find the runtime BIFs label in the issues.

Big props to Elin for helping me work through this. She deserves a 75% credit on this blog post. All the annoying work was done by her and I’m very happy to know that you can be unfamiliar with the project and get from start to finish. Also thanks to Luke and Brian for correcting me on some important details.

If you have thoughts or question, don’t hesitate to let me know. I tend to both read and respond via email at and on Twitter where I’m @lawik.